Coconut beans (Maharage Yanazi)

This creamy bean-based dish is the national dish of Tanzania (eaten by most people on Independence Day, 9 December) but it’s well-loved all over East Africa too.

 Less than 45 minutes

Serves 4


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  • 2 onions, chopped 
  • 2 tomatoes, chopped and peeled 
  • 1-2 garlic cloves,chopped  
  • 5 cardamom seeds
  • Pinch cinnamon
  • 1 tsp (5ml) curry powder
  • 2 cups (500ml) coconut milk
  • 1 cup (250ml) vegetable stock
  • 1 tsp (5ml) salt
  • 2 cups (250g) dry butter beans, soaked
  • Pinch sugar
  • Parsley or coriander, for serving
  • Crusty bread, for serving



  1. Fry onions and tomatoes in a pot until softened, about 5-8 minutes. 
  2. Add remaining ingredients and season with salt.
  3. Cook for 15-20 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the liquid has thickened and still just covering the tender beans. 
  4. Add a pinch of sugar to taste. 
  5. Scatter with parsley or coriander, and serve with bread.



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