Peanut Butter Caramel Swirl Mallows

Enjoy these as is or toast mallows and sandwich between choc-chip cookies. You’ll thank us later!

Less than 45 minutes (plus chilling time)

Makes 2830 squares


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  • Icing sugar or cornflour, for dusting 
  • ⅓ cup (100g) peanut butter 
  • ¼ can (about 100g) caramel 
  • 1 cup (250ml) water 
  • 3 sachets (10g each) powdered gelatine 
  • 1 tsp (5ml) vanilla essence 
  • Pinch of salt 
  • 2 cups (400g) sugar 
  • ½ cup (200g) glucose 
  • Icing sugar, for sprinkling 



  1. Grease a deep 5cm square baking tray and dust generously with icing sugar or cornflour.  
  2. Combine peanut butter and caramel until smooth and lump-free. (Thin caramel down with a teaspoon of hot water if needed.) Set aside.  
  3. Combine ½ cup (125ml) water and gelatine in the bowl of a stand mixer. (You can also use an electrical whisk and large metal mixing bowl.) Leave for 8–10 minutes to sponge (this is when gelatine absorbs water).  
  4. Add vanilla essence and salt.  
  5. Combine sugar, glucose and remaining water over medium heat.  
  6. Stir until sugar has dissolved.  
  7. Bring to the boil – don’t stir again – for about 5 minutes, or until mixture bubbles. While the mixer is running, stream hot sugar syrup into gelatine mixture and mix on medium-high speed until mixture is light, fluffy and cool to the touch, about 15–20 minutes.  
  8. Gently fold through peanut butter-caramel mixture.  
  9. Spoon mixture into prepared tin and spread into an even layer. Leave to set completely at room temperature.  
  10. Sprinkle surface with icing sugar and turn over tray.  
  11. Cut into 28–30 squares using a well-oiled knife (make sure to wipe the knife clean with some oil after each cut.)  


SUBSTITUTIONS: No glucose? Simply replace with equal amounts of golden syrup. The results will be the same but mallows will come out more caramel in colour.  

SHELF LIFE: These will keep well for up to 4 days (tightly wrap in cellophane or keep in an airtight container), best sent using next-day postal services. 


Browse more easter treats recipes here.


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