Classic summer trifle

The trifle you knew as a kid gets a few trendy touches.

Less than 30 minutes (+ chill time)

Serves 10-12


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  • 2 packets (80g each) peach jelly
  • 2 (350g each) PnP madeira cakes, cut into squares
  • 2 punnets (100g each) raspberries + extra for serving
  • 4 cups (1L) custard
  • 5 yellow-flesh nectarines, quartered + extra slices for serving
  • 1½ cups (375ml) cream
  • ½ cup (125ml) castor sugar
  • ½ tsp (3ml) vanilla essence



  1. Prepare jelly according to packet instructions and set in a 3L trifle bowl.
  2. Top with half the madeira cake squares and half the raspberries.
  3. Pour custard over cake and layer with remaining cake and berries, then nectarines.
  4. Whisk cream, castor sugar and vanilla together to firm peaks and spoon onto fruit.
  5. Serve topped with extra berries and nectarines.


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