Beetroot and raspberry choc-chip ice cream

A trendy gourmet delight that’s sure to impress.

 More than 1 hour

Makes 1.25L

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  • 1 cup (250ml) full-cream milk
  • 3 pieces preserved ginger
  • 1 Tbsp (15ml) preserved ginger syrup
  • ⅔ cup (100ml) castor sugar
  • 2 tsp (10ml) cocoa powder
  • 4 large (about 400g) beetroots, boiled, drained and cooled
  • 1 tub (100g) fresh raspberries + extra for serving
  • 1 slab (100g) dark chocolate, finely chopped + extra for serving


  1. Heat milk, ginger pieces, syrup and sugar together and stir until sugar dissolves.
  2. Mix cocoa powder with a little water to make a paste.
  3. Blitz beetroots, milk mixture, cocoa paste and raspberries with a stick blender until smooth.
  4. Place mixture in a 2L plastic container, cover with clingfilm and freeze for 4-5 hours.
  5. Remove and whisk mixture with an electric whisk to break down any ice crystals.
  6. Fold through chopped chocolate chips. 
  7. Freeze for at least 6-8 hours (or overnight) until firm.
  8. Serve with a sprinkling of chocolate, and more raspberries if you like.


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