Blueberry ice-cream cake

This is store-bought ice cream made into a home-made frozen dessert. Download this recipe, you’ll be making it all summer long!

 Less than 30 minutes (plus freezing time)

Serves 8-10

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  • 1 tub (2L) PnP blueberry ice cream
  • 3 cans (400g each) coconut cream, chilled in the fridge
  • ½ cup (125ml) desiccated coconut
  • ½ cup (125ml) castor sugar
  • Grated peel of 3 limes + extra for serving
  • 1 (350g) PnP Madeira cake, sliced
  • Toasted coconut flakes and blueberries, for serving


  1. Soften ice cream slightly and spoon into a 25cm x 10cm loaf tin lined with baking paper or clingfilm.
  2. Even out the top and freeze for an hour.
  3. Scoop the thickened layer off the surface of coconut cream (reserve the rest for smoothies).
  4. Using an electric mixer, whisk thickened cream with desiccated coconut, castor sugar and lime peel until stiff peaks form.
  5. Place cake slices on top of frozen ice cream to create a second layer.
  6. Top with whipped coconut mixture to create final layer.
  7. Freeze overnight.
  8. Unmould on a platter and remove baking paper or clingfilm. 
  9. Serve scattered with coconut flakes, berries and grated lime peel.



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