Italian sunset lollies

These grown-up lollies are perfect for an alfresco cocktail party.

 Less than 15 minutes (plus freezing time)

Makes 4-6

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  • 2 packets (270g each) PnP cut citrus fruit pieces (grapefruit, orange and naartjie segments)
  • 2 Tbsp (30ml) castor sugar
  • ¼ cup (60ml) Campari
  • Zest of 1 orange, sliced into long strips


  • Blitz fruit until smooth. 
  • Strain and discard pulp, reserving juice.
  • Stir sugar and Campari into juice.
  • Pour mixture into lolly moulds and freeze for 2 hours, or until semi-set.
  • Push orange-peel strips into each mould.
  • Push a lolly stick into the centre of each mould and freeze until solid.



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