Quick Thai green broth with noodles and crunchy ginger topping

Store-bought stock is turned into a sensational supper with our trusty pesto.

Less than 30 minutes

Serves 3                                      


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  • ½ onion, finely chopped 
  • 5cm knob fresh ginger, grated  
  • 2 tsp (10ml) chilli flakes 
  • 1 tsp (5ml) smoked paprika 
  • ½ cup (40g) bread crumbs or panko crumbs 
  • 1 tsp (5ml) each white and black sesame seeds 
  • ¼ cup (60ml) olive oil 



  • 3 cups (750ml) vegetable stock 
  • 2-3 Tbsp (30-45ml) Thai-style herby pesto (click here for full recipe
  • 1 packet (200g) egg noodles, cooked to packet instructions 



  1. Combine topping ingredients. 
  2. Fry over medium heat for 10 minutes or until crisp and golden (tossing as you go to prevent the mixture from burning). Set aside. 
  3. Bring stock to a simmer in a pot over medium heat. 
  4. Add pesto and stir to combine. 
  5. Serve broth hot with egg noodles and a generous sprinkle of crunchy ginger topping. 






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