Bruschetta with lemony basil peas

There’s always room for crusty bruschetta... And this version packs a zesty punch!

Less than 30 minutes

Makes 20


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  • 20 slices ciabatta bread 
  • Glug of olive oil  
  • 1 clove garlic, halved 
  • Salt and milled pepper 
  • 1 punnet (200g) baby leaks 
  • 2 cups (500g) frozen peas, blanched 
  • 3 Tbsp (45ml) basil pesto 
  • Juice (60ml) and zest of 1 lemon 
  • Handful fresh mint and fresh parsley, roughly torn 
  • Feta, for serving 



  1. Drizzle ciabatta with olive oil and toast in a regular pan or sandwich press. 
  2. Remove from pan and rub toast with garlic. Season and set aside. 
  3. Heat a glug of olive oil in a pan on medium heat and fry baby leaks until soft. 
  4. Remove from heat and add blanched peas, basil pesto, lemon juice and zest. 
  5. Season and add mint and parsley. 
  6. Mash mixture with a fork or give it a quick blitz with a stick blender. 
  7. Spread mixture on bruschetta, add a sprinkling of feta and serve.  


Browse more sides and salads recipes here.


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