Mandarin marmalade

A little less tart than orange marmalade, it’s great on toast but can also be used in cooking.

Less than 1 hour         

Makes about 2½ cups 


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  • 500g whole mandarins 
  • 2 oranges, halved  
  • 1 lemon, halved 
  • 4 cups (1L) water   
  • 4 cups (800g) sugar  
  • Star anise 



  1. Place mandarins, oranges, lemon, and water in a pot, weighing down with a plate to keep fruit submerged.  
  2. Boil for 15 minutes.  
  3. Remove fruit and cool, reserving cooking liquid in pot and discarding lemon.  
  4. Peel fruit and remove white pith from peels using a sharp knife (reserve pith) and cut peels into 3mm strips.  
  5. Slice mandarin and orange flesh into small pieces, saving any juice and adding to pot.  
  6. Place reserved pith and pips of fruit into a cheesecloth and tie closed.  
  7. Dissolve sugar in reserved cooking liquid on low heat, stirring.  
  8. Add star anise, strips of peel, fruit pieces and pith bundle.  
  9. Bring to a boil for 20-30 minutes, until a thick jam-like consistency. (Remember, it will get thicker once cooled.)  
  10. Discard pith bundle.  
  11. Spoon into an airtight container and use within 1-2 weeks, or into sterilised jars to store for longer.  



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